How to Teach Kids Conflict Resolution

how to teach kids conflict resolution, conflict resolution for kids, conflict resolution

We may think our toddlers and preschoolers are too young to resolve their own conflicts. However, when we model it and practice it with them, they can learn peacemaking habits early. Let’s discuss how to teach kids conflict resolution skills in their everyday lives. 1. Explain How to Respond During Physical Conflict We’ve all been…

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Developing World Changers: How to Raise a Future Leader

how to raise a future leader, world changer, developing world changers

At Connection Point Early Learning Center, we are committed to Developing World Changers. We know that today’s children are tomorrow’s leaders and believe that the mission to create stronger, more confident world leaders starts in early development. There are several things that parents, teachers, and role models can do to grow leadership skills and build…

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Understanding & Managing Childhood Obsessions

childhood obsessions, child obsession, childhood fixation, child fixations

Most of us can remember back to our own childhood to the days of dinosaurs, trainings, and princesses. As we raise our children, it’s easy to recognize this behavior as they develop their own favorite toys and habits. But how do we understand what crosses the line from healthy curiosity to full-blown fixation? Keep reading…

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The Difference Between Praise and Encouragement

difference between encouragement and praise, happy child

Growing up, we are often unconsciously taught to believe that it’s about what we do and how well we do it that allows us to be accepted or loved. While praising our child may seem like a good thing, it can have opposite effects. The principle of unconditional love is one we can teach our…

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5 Ways to Switch to Positive Language

mother and father looking at child's artwork

As parents, our words have the power to shape our children’s thinking and thus shape how they behave and who they become. Children are watching and learning from every move we make – our language included. Using negative language can cause children to think less of themselves and what they are capable of. In order…

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Understanding Tantrums: Why They Happen & Why They Should

Child in backset of car throwing a tantrum

Understanding tantrums (or the inability to understand them) is just one of the frustrations that come with parenting a toddler. Another frustration comes from actually coping with tantrums and wondering if we are handling them correctly. In order to better understand how to react to and effectively manage temper tantrums, it’s important to understand what…

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