6 Parenting Tech Gadgets That Make Raising a Toddler Easier

parenting tech gadgets, technology, toddler

Today’s world is fascinated with technology and all that it offers. Why should that be any different as a parent? Technology has the power to improve our lives as parents. There are hundreds of state-of-the-art parenting tech gadgets and apps that make raising a toddler a little easier. Of course, we don’t expect you to…

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Toddlers and Technology: 3 Keys for Creating Healthy Habits

Child laying on couch with ipad in her lap

Growing up in today’s technological world essentially requires you to have a device in your home. But where does that leave us with our children? Finding a balance with how much and what type of screen time your child participates in is important so that they form healthy relationships with technology. Here are three keys…

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