Choosing the Best Daycare for Your Child

daycare, day care, toddlers

Choosing the right daycare for your child is a big decision. Several different things need to be considered. As a parent, you want your children to be in the best place possible. You need to feel confident that they are receiving top of the line care when they’re not with you. A safe, clean, and…

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Understanding & Managing Childhood Obsessions

childhood obsessions, child obsession, childhood fixation, child fixations

Most of us can remember back to our own childhood to the days of dinosaurs, trainings, and princesses. As we raise our children, it’s easy to recognize this behavior as they develop their own favorite toys and habits. But how do we understand what crosses the line from healthy curiosity to full-blown fixation? Keep reading…

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5 Ways to Prepare for Your Child’s First Day of Preschool

Mother sending her child off to first day of preschool

Taking the next step of starting preschool can be a nerve-wracking time for both you and your child. Because this is a critical time of child development and a change that can have lasting effects and benefits, you want to make sure you have set both you and your child up for adding as much…

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